Saturday, June 9, 2007

Aunty rockzzz!!!

hey guy hav a look at this lao zha bor~ I make a song for her...
She's good
She's great
She's fantastic

She sings
She raps
She is princess laozhabor in 'Shrek 3'

She went to the beach with colourful swimsuit
She went for star search and appeared in movie
She is the SUPERSTAR

Aunty rocks
laozhabor shakes the world
wo~ pretty babe~ooo~
real lao zha bor speaks to Uuuu~


-月の風信子-™ said...

she's really rock man!!!!

i tot my mom kinda keng edi, got msn, got friendster.. this AUNTY BLOG~~ darn!!

hsienyun said...

ur mummy how geng??ask her open a blog too la~

Jianie said...

so funny!!!!!!!
ah bung is a fanatic of her lar..guess he'll go gila seeing her blog!!