Yesterday went JB again...for wat? I also not very sure.But certainly looking for friends is one of my reasons.
Many unexpected things happened in 1 day.First,when i reached larkin,while waiting for my fren to fetch me,my partner called me and said she wont be coming to JB dy coz sick.A bit disappointed really,coz we act planned to go on Mon,but thn changed to Wed to suit her time.Yet she couldn't join us too...What a pity~Take good care ya.
We almost got cheated by those ppl at neway.At 1st, they said we can sing til midnite in normal hours if more than 4 ppl.Although it is very expensive,but still worth. When we book dy,another person told us,we can only used for 4 hours.Wah,really spoil all the mood.....But till the end,we still paid RM46 each for 4 hours+buffet.Hope the one who said I long long time juz come down once so go sing la,wont feel regret. :)
Then we found out the reason why they sudd changed all those promotion and rules--today is singapore national day! I straight away at that moment asked the cashier,singapore national day related to us meh? She juz smiled n looked at me...I really sweat.When our country becomes so close with our neighbour dy?haha...speechless -.-'''
Sumtimes i feel myself very free.Purposely take bus to JB,torture myself juz for sing K, every month sing at cafe not enuff? I'm so love to sing at red box,but why dont i feel the same every month?...diff ppl and diff environment maybe...
This time to JB, I started to dislike this city.The city is so materialistic.But for sure,I will go again and again...
A joke: While we were talking bout Sg national day, my friend told us when she was small,once her father ask her to sing national song during our national day, then she sang,".....Majulah Singapora,majulah singapora"........

If u hav read today newspaper,u should know wats going on. Those workers asked for minimum pay-RM900 and they asked those vehicles to "Tanda Bunyi untuk Sokong". The pics took in front of City Square.